【同义词辨析】 2017-06-27 促进advance-further

advance: stresses effective assistance in hastening a process or bringing about a desired end: a gesture intended to ~ the cause of peace.

promote: suggests an open encouraging or fostering: a company trying to ~ better health among employees; and may denote an increase in status or rank: a student ~d to third grade. (foster培养,如foster parents父母)

forward: implies an impetus or moral force moving something ahead: a wage increase would ~ productivity.  impetus推动力,词根PET表示寻找to seek,字面意思是去寻找,如the promise of a nice bonus gave us an impetus for finishing the project on time承诺给我们奖金推动我们按时完成项目,其它PET组成的词有compete竞争,petition情愿,centripetal向心的,appetite食欲,和impetuous冲动草率)

further: suggests a removing of obstacles in the way of a desired advance: used the marriage to ~ his career.

advance促进: 表示帮助加快进度或取得目标,promote提倡提升: 表示公开鼓励培养,或提高地位级别,forward促进: 指推动力道德力量促进某物发展,further促进: 表示扫除前进中的障碍


          2)促进的意思是帮助前进mean to help (someone or something) to move ahead.